Shelf companies in the Czech Republic
Shelf companies in the Czech Republic with a bank account in the Czech Republic!
We really do open accounts in the Czech Republic banks
for companies where the owners are non-residents of the Czech Republic and the EU

Shelf company in the Czech Republic
+ bank account in the Czech Republic
+ real director in the Czech Republic
+ company administration
+ accounting services
+ 100% control
= this is the best business opportunity in Europe and for export-import companies.
You just do your business in your country, and we will do the rest in the Czech Republic for you.
Whom is our service for?
Our service is for those who have the following problems:- You need a European company and an account in a European bank, but you cannot open an account, because you are not a resident of the EU.
- You have a company in the Czech Republic or Europe, but they have closed your account because you are not a EU resident.
Our new service "Real Director + Firm Administration" will solve all your problems.
You will receive a Shelf Czech company with a bank account in the Czech Republic.From January 2018 in the Czech Republic, as well as throughout the EU, it is impossible to open accounts not only for offshore companies, but also for firms that are registered in the EU, including in the Czech Republic, whose founders and directors are residents of other countries.
We offer a simple way to solve these problems - we will make two directors in your Czech company. One director will be you, and the second director will be our representative, the resident of the Czech Republic.
This is not a nominee service, and this is the main difference from offshore companies.
Why do you need it:
- You will not have problems with opening an account in a Czech bank.
- You will get access to your bank account and you will conduct all banking transactions. You will have a 100% control of your bank account.
- You will have a representative in the Czech Republic who will resolve all issues with the bank and government agencies.
- We will administer the company and provide comfortable work to the owners of the company.
- Your company will have a real address, not a mass mailbox.
- You will have full accounting support and a guarantee of properly executed primary documentation.
- We will find you partners in the Czech Republic, if needed.
- You can always get legal advice and instruct us to develop contracts and agreements of any complexity.
- We guarantee complete confidentiality of information received.
We take in service only real and transparent business.
Shelf company costs only 1500 EUR!
It is possible to buy a shelf company in the Czech Republic without personal presence in Prague
We are direct recorders and have been working in the Czech market since 1999. Therefore, our price is, if not the lowest, then one of the lowest in the market.
Our price includes the following:
- Free initial consultation on business issues by a Czech company both in Europe and around the world.
- Providing a list of companies for sale. You can choose the name of the company in the Czech Republic, which you like. If you do not like any of the names, then we can change it according to your desire.
- Providing a registered office in the Czech Republic for your company for a year.
- Remote re-registration of the company on you.
- Opening a current account in a Czech bank of your choice in the presence of a company director.
- Selection of an accountant in the Czech Republic.
Shelf company costs only 1500 EUR!
Why is a Czech company better than an offshore company?
We offer shelf companies of any legal form in the Czech Republic, for which banks can easily open accounts. In addition, we provide services for the registration of a Czech company from scratch.
Reasonable questions arise - what about:
- Taxation optimization?
- Hiding the beneficiary?
Beneficiary is not visible in public Registries. This problem can be solved as well! Call us in order to clarify all the details.
Czech companies Taxation?
In case all trade operations are performed outside the Czech Republic - VAT - 0%, also VAT - 0% when exporting goods and services from the EU.
New companies are mainly registered as non-payers of VAT.
Profit tax is 19%. However, with proper taxation optimization, income tax can be minimized. For example, even if a company has no costs, it has the right to automatically attribute 60% of its income to costs. And thus pay the income tax on the remaining 40% of the company's income.
And the most important thing is the loyalty of tax and regulatory authorities to the business. Most of our companies, not only for years, but for decades have not had any checks. And if there are checks, then most often remotely. It is enough for an accountant to send documents and clarifications.
Every business has a lot of subtleties. So call us right now and we will answer all your questions. Having received all the necessary information, you can make an informed decision about the expediency of acquiring a shelf company in the Czech Republic with an account in a Czech bank, which will allow you to solve a lot of problems that interfere with your business.
Why the Czech Republic?
The Czech Republic is one of the best jurisdictions for your business:
- simple and quick registration procedure from scratch or purchase of a shelf company in the Czech Republic, at that any legal form is possible - LLC, joint venture, SE;
- it is possible to buy a shelf company in the Czech Republic or to register a company in the Czech Republic without personal attendance;
- 100% ownership of the company by a foreign person is allowed;
- there are no requirements for the residence of founders and directors;
- the authorized capital of only 1 krona, therefore, opening a company from scratch will not require any additional costs;
- You DO NOT have to pay every year for the company renewal;
- the possibility of registering a company in the Czech Republic for any type of activity;
- Czech membership in the EU opens up tremendous opportunities for doing business all over the world;
- you will not have problems with payments, as the Czech banks are among the most reliable and with an excellent reputation;
- there is the possibility of European lending;
- company registration gives you the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic, and after 5 years you can apply for permanent residence in the Czech Republic, and after another 5 years you can apply for Czech citizenship;
- having a residence permit in the Czech Republic, you can freely move around the Schengen countries;
- economic growth in the Czech Republic is one of the highest in the European Union.
Shelf Companies for Sale
By contacting us, you can select a ready-made company that meets your specific requirements. If necessary, we will even change its name. By interacting with us, you will receive a range of opportunities for business development in Europe.
We provide a list of aged ready-made companies for sale
We offer shelf companies – these are legal entities that have already been registered in the Czech Republic Commercial Register, which:
- are represented by enterprises of various organizational and legal forms;
- have no debt since they have never carried out any business activities;
- are easily transferred to a new owner, including remotely.
You can purchase an aged-for-sale company at the most favorable terms at any time and without needing a personal presence in the Czech Republic.
We offer affordable service prices (without any additional or hidden fees)
We are direct registrars and therefore provide the opportunity to choose the most appropriate option for your needs. The price of a ready-made company start at only 1700 EUR for a new Ltd company. This price includes not only the transfer of documents but also a free initial consultation on the issues of conducting business as a Czech company and providing a legal address for one year.
Contact us now to find out more. You will receive all of the necessary information to help you make the right decision.